Oratorical Contest Winners
The Optimist Club of Van Wert held its annual oratorical contest on March 5 at CHP Home Care & Hospice in Van Wert. The topic this year is, “Discovering the Optimism within Me.” Eliza Leiendecker, a homeschooled ninth-grade student from Van Wert, earned first place in the contest. Chloe Dettrow, a junior at Van Wert High School, garnered second-place. Both will be awarded medallions and prize money of $300 for first place and $200 for second. “The Optimist Oratorical Contest is a great opportunity for local students to express their thoughts and opinions to an audience and win prize money,” said Greg Yinger of the Optimist Club. “Our club strives to bring out the best in each student and we hope this project will be a step to help them achieve…